May 6, 2013

Keep Calm and Wear Orange!

Hi people!

I'm about 16.000 kms away from the Netherlands, but that doesn't mean I don't follow the Dutch news.
I don't follow much Dutch news, but one day was important: Queensday!
Queensday was really special this year, because the dutch Queen Beatrix resigned, after 33 years. So on Tuesday April 30 at 10 am (6pm in Australia), she resigned and Prince Willem-Alexander is now King Willem-Alexander and his wife is Queen Maxima now.

The Dutchies know all this, hopefully.
I wish I could have been there, it was a special day and Queensday is always much fun anyways. But I'll be there for the first Kingsday next year!

I watched the abdication, balcony scene and the rest of queensday on Youtube. I was so happy they had a livestream. And Wednesday is my Access day, so I could sleep in the next day, and I got sick!

And then about normal life: I had to go back to reality, after my holiday. That was hard as! But I'm used to school again. It's sooooo busy, because I'm two weeks behind. Luckily I don't have to do my english assignment, but I still gotta do heaps of other things...

But I was sick, maybe it was way too cold on the Outback Safari, so I still didn't do much on Thursday and stayed home on Friday. Oh well, I'll catch up with everything. I hope. If not: too bad for the teachers hahhaha.

And we got our senior shirts!

Saturday Krista and I went to town and after that to Tania. But I had a sleep between that, was still too tired. Sunday was doing groceries and I bought a kind of costume for a party next weekend. It's supposed to look like a Peter Pan costume. When I say; I'm from the Netherlands, people answer: Oooooooh where Peter Pan lives!
oooooh gosh. No, peter pan doesn't live in the Netherlands, but in NEVERland.

Monday, school, awesome. Ahummm... Nah, it wasn't too bad. I try to enjoy every da and everything, that means I enjoy school as well, even though it's busy with assignments and tests. Because I have only 27 days left... And that scares me!

On the 17th there is a 'culture' day at school, which means me and Sarah have to make some food, typical for our homecountry. Oh, what's a good, simple, typical Dutch dish? Because I'm a horrible cook!

By the way, I'll have mini updates like this every week now, just because I like the blogging now.

And if people wanna see something about my Outback Safari:
the first didn't work to upload to this blog, but this is the link:
That one is the longest and best, made by Mia Siitarinen from Finland <3

And this is a really good one as well, with my birthday cake in it!
Thanks to Janica Koivusalo,from Finland as well!

Finnish people rule hahahah.

See ya later xxx

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